Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday 24 September 2012

Missing my daughter

14 September 2012 :
Today mark the first birthday of my daughter. I miss her so much that i cried and feeling blues until morning. The crying part took only 1 hour, but after that i cant sleep thinking about her. This is my daughter Faqiha.

I know she look very cute, takes after me after all. Hehehe i have only seen her for a few days before i break up with her mom. Things happen and we're divorced now. Or should i say "shit happens".....

Well i'm not going to talk about her mom, just her. I love my daughter deeply, but i can't keep on living with only her pictures. I went to my ex's house during Eidul Fitr but she wasn't there. Maybe she have urgent business at that time. But, i doubt that sentence all this time. What is so important that she can't text me to let me know. I just want to see my baby for a while.

It's not like i want to take her and run away. I'm not that mean, not that heartless (i think she's heartless now). All i ask from her is that i got to spend some time (only a couple of hour) with my daughter. Is that such a big deal? Is that too hard to do? Is that not my right? Is that an act of a good Muslim?

I have been thinking of bringing this matter to the court to settle. But i know that i shouldn't drag her along. I love my daughter. I don't want her to be brought to court for such trivial matter than can be solved outside the court.

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